Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The closest I'll get to Georgia Football in Africa

.... kick off was set for 5:05pm, the smell of alcohol was in the air, the stadium was filled with a sea of red, black, and white, the guys ran on to the field as the crowd began to yell... sounds like a Saturday in Athens, Georgia, in Sanford Stadium, eh? BUT it's not. This was last Saturday in Johannesburg, South Africa at Coca-Cola Park watching a rugby game. The Lions whose colors are red and white were playing the Sharks who are black and white; this explains the sea of colors that reminded me of being between the hedges. As I watched the game; I realized that I was very confused...maybe I should have read up on the rules of rugby before coming...ooops, maybe next time. Why was a touchdown called a try and why do they randomly kick the ball in the middle of running down the field? As I listened around me I did not hear "Gooo Georgia Bulldawgs....sic'em!" Actually what I heard was not even in English; they were cheering in Afrikaans; so I just made sure that I cheered when I saw the flags and fans from "my" team the Sharks go up all over the field...I am now one of their most dedicated fans...ok, maybe not, but I did enjoy the game. It was a fun Saturday that reminded me of being back in Athens for a little watching one of the best teams in the land. Goooo Dawgs! next for me is a soccer game and a cricket looking for tickets, anyone selling??

1 comment:

Angela Partain said...


Hi Sarah I am Angela Partain and I work with your Mom. I have meet you before but I am not sure if you remember. Your Mom told me I need to go read your new blog because she knew that I would love it since I am a Huge Bulldog fan. So I did enjoy it...and I think that it is great what you are doing!