Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Savior He can move the Mountains!

Wow, I do not know how to tell you how God has worked in my heart in the past month and a half. He has renewed a passion in me for His purposes, given me world vision beyond what I could have ever imagined, and ignited a fire in me that I can barely contain. I can promise you this has nothing to do with my circumstances; this has been one of the most difficult months for me since I have been in Johannesburg, but this has been the best month by far because God has been faithful to walk with me every step of the way and has shown me His heart like I have never seen. I gave up and gave it all to Him. When I did this, He made himself so evident to me. It is not about me; it is all about Him! When Sarah stopped, He moved! He has freed me in areas of my life that I have been holding on to for many years; He is showing me His heart for the unwanted and outcasts of our societies, and He has revolutionized the way I act, love, and seek Him each day. I no longer can go a day or a week without spending quality time with Him; He is what I must have each day! Just like eating and sleeping; He fuels me giving me spiritual energy, passion, drive, and love like I have never had. There are so many needs in this city and only so much time in each day; it can be a struggle not to get in the car and run every time there is a need or an activity or a crisis. I am learning to guard time for myself and my relationship with God each day, and through this I have seen how He extends the hours in each day and opens doors for ministry that I in my own strength could have never opened or ever imagined.

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