Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Annual IMB Mission Team Meeting

I must confess. I was not looking forward to being in a week of meetings to hear about the new changes in the International Mission Board (although this was not the whole point of the meeting). However, God changed my bad attitude, and worked in my heart INSPITE of me. Throughout the week, we had times of worship in the mornings and the evenings, and we were able to see and hear reports from around the region about what God was doing in the lives of other missionaries and the people that they serve. The conference center where the meeting was held was about 10 minutes from my apartment, and Johannesburg was decended upon by over 300 other IMB missionaries from around CESA who attended this conference. So, needless to say, the Guest House where I work was, and still currently is, very busy from the traffic coming in and out of Joburg for the meeting. This conference may have been just another annual meeting for many other people, but for me it was very special. God did some amazing things in my heart, and He is currently dealing with me on some issues in my life. I feel I will only know the full the significance of this past week in the near future as He continues to direct me and I process how He is guiding me. I am sorry for being so vague, but I am not exactly sure what God is calling me to do, but I can hear Him leading my heart in the direction of change in some areas and in a specific direction for my future. Please be in prayer for me this week as I process some of the things that were spoken about during the worship sessions and while being in that environment with other people who share the same heart and passion as I. This time was very refreshing and has given me a new outlook towards those I am serving alongside. God also brought more healing to my heart and life from an area in my past; step by step God is molding me, breaking me, healing me, growing me, guiding me. I am yours! I want to be a light for you; take my life and let it be all for you and for your glory! God, you are my Healer, my Redeemer, my Father, my LIFE!
(This is a picture of my team)


Katie Nalls said...

Thanks for sharing, Sarah! It is awesome to hear how God is working in your heart and life. I know he is using you to glorify himself! Oh, and I didn't comment on the earlier blog but I'm so glad you got to meet Hobbs. We were with him on Abigail's 1st b-day which was 4 months ago and he kind of looks the same size...hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Sarah thank you for sharing your heart and it is great to see how God continually at work in each of our lives...I know as God works out the details He will let you know but whatever His plans for you are I know they are only the best for you.

Sorry I am not on blogspot as much, so keep on serving Him with all your heart, strength and soul in Joburg.!