Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is it just a batch of cookies?

ahhhh... (that's us yawning). friday night we had a girl's sleepover at my apartment. what happens when you get 13 girls in a confined space with endless pizza, ice cream, music, and movies? memories happen. this weekend we had a great time of just chilling, hanging and having fun. i think alot of times as Christians we overlook the "little" ways that we can show others Christ's love...bake that person some cookies (when was the last time they tasted Christ's love?), open your home up to those kids for the night (you never know what is going on behind the doors of their homes), do that thing that God has been calling YOU to do!!!

I recently read a book called Under the Overpass about a college student who answered God's call to leave his normal American life to live on the streets of America for several months trusting God to meet his every need; during those months he grew in his faith in amazing ways. This quote from that book really spoke to my heart; the author says, "Suddenly I was shocked to realize that I had just driven 20 minutes past the world that needed me to be the Christian I say I am to hear a sermon called, 'Be the Christian you say you are'."

....when are we going to stop just saying we are Christians and actually begin doing what Christ did? - reaching the WORLD with HIS love through OUR actions ...are we too busy to live like Jesus did? what is stopping you from changing the world for Him? begins with that one batch of cookies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great words of wisdom Sarah because can use this to transform lives and opens peoples hearts to recieve Him plus it shows we care for them as a person and not just another number in our books.. Keep up the great work in Joburg.